Old English Game

Old English Game

The Old English Game is a chicken breed that descended from the ancient Pit Game fighting breed, which the Romans brought to Great Britain in the first century A.D. The Pit Game was bred for cockfighting, a popular, low-cost sport that attracted people from all walks of life. In the early 1800s, cockfighting was introduced…



The Ohiki chicken was developed in the mid-nineteenth century in Kochi Prefecture on the southern Japanese island of Shikoku. It was created by crossing long-tailed breeds with small bantams like the Japanese (Chabo) or others of roughly Pekin type, although the specifics of the crosses are unknown. The breed is closely related to the Japanese…

North Holland Blue

North Holland Blue

The North Holland Blue chicken is a rare and beautiful breed that originated in the Netherlands in the early 1900s. It was created as a heavy meat breed to supply the high demand for white chicken meat from Amsterdam, particularly from the Jewish community in that city. This dual-purpose breed can be kept for both…

Norfolk Grey

Norfolk Grey

The Norfolk Grey Chicken was developed by Frederick W Myhill of Hethel, Wymondham, under Black Maria. Myhill was a poultry breeder and judge who aimed to create a utility bird that efficiently produced meat. He used Birchen English Game and Partridge Wyandottes, or possibly Duckwing Leghorns, to make the breed achieve this. The game blood…



The Niederrheiner chicken is a breed named after the Niederrhein or Lower Rhine region. It was created in the early twentieth century by crossing the Dutch North Holland Blue meat chicken with other local breeds such as the Orpington and the Plymouth Rock. This resulted in a large, dual-purpose chicken that could thrive in the…

New Hampshire Red

New Hampshire Red

The New Hampshire Red chicken breed was created by selectively breeding Rhode Island Red stock in New Hampshire. No other breed was involved in its development. The aim was to enhance traits like rapid growth, fast feathering, early maturity, and meat production. In 1935, the American Poultry Association officially recognized this breed. Additionally, it played…

Nankin Shamo

Nankin Shamo

The Nankin Shamo is a chicken breed believed to have originated in the southern regions of Japan. Its name means “southern Shamo” in Japanese. The Nankin Shamo is a descendant of ancient fighting chickens brought to Japan from Thailand and China centuries ago. However, unlike its larger and more aggressive relatives, the Nankin Shamo was…

Nankin Bantam

Nankin Bantam

Nankin Bantams are a type of chicken that likely originated in Southeast Asia, along with many other Bantam breeds. Although the exact origin of Nankin Bantams has yet to be discovered, they were first introduced to the West in the 18th century. They were popular among poultry fanciers and country estates. They were used to…

Naked Chicken

Naked Chicken

The Naked Chicken, also known as the Transylvanian Naked Neck or Turken, is a fascinating breed with an origin tracing back to the Transylvanian region of Europe. This breed results from a natural mutation, giving rise to a distinctive feature – a featherless neck. Over the years, selective breeding has enhanced and stabilized this unique…



The Mugellese is a traditional Tuscan chicken breed of uncertain origin. It was commonly kept in the Tuscan countryside, either in gardens or on the balconies of townhouses, and was sometimes gifted to children by their grandparents. Although it was once widely prevalent, its numbers declined in the second half of the 20th century. However,…

Modern Langshan

Modern Langshan

Modern Langshan chicken originated from the Croad Langshan, a breed brought to the United Kingdom from the Guangdong province of southeastern China by Major F. Croad in 1872. The Croad Langshan was a large, heavy bird with a deep chest and a sloping back. It had black plumage, white skin, and feathered legs. It was…

Modern Game Chicken

Modern Game Chicken

The Modern Game chicken was developed by crossing Old English Game and Malays after cockfighting was made illegal in Britain in 1849. Many cockfighting enthusiasts turned to breeding for shows as an alternative poultry hobby, and the Modern Game was created to satisfy their desire for a tall, hard-feathered, upright bird. Initially, they were called…

Minorca chicken

Minorca chicken

The Minorca chicken has a long and exciting history dating back to the British occupation of Menorca between 1708 and 1783. Whether the breed was developed in Menorca or Britain is still being determined. Still, it likely began in Menorca and continued in Britain, where there were documented imports of chickens from Menorca in the…

Marsh Daisy

Marsh Daisy

The Marsh Daisy chicken is a breed that was developed by Charles Moore, a poultry breeder from Southport, Lancashire, in the late 1800s. Moore crossbred various local game-type chicken breeds with Malay, Black Hamburg, White Leghorn, and Sicilian Buttercup breeds to create a chicken that would thrive in the swampy conditions of his farm and…

Marans chicken

Marans chicken

Marans chicken was a breed developed in the late 1800s through the crossbreeding of various local game-type chicken breeds with other breeds like Langshans and Faverolles. The main objective was to create a chicken that could lay dark brown eggs. Initially, the early breeders should have paid more attention to the appearance of the birds,…

Malines chicken

Malines chicken

Malines chicken was created in the 19th century by cross-breeding local farm chickens with a cuckoo pattern with Oriental chickens such as Shanghai, Brahma, Langshan, and Cochin. The aim was to combine the meat quality of the local stock with the large size of the Oriental chickens. Selective breeding for type and color started in…

Malay Game

Malay Game

The Malay Game chicken is believed to be one of the oldest breeds, dating back thousands of years. It was derived from birds imported from the Indian subcontinent or Southeast Asia in the first decades of the nineteenth century. At that time, large birds of this type were widespread in northern India, Indonesia, and the…

Luikse Vechter

Luikse Vechter

The Luikse Vechter is a chicken breed that originated from the Brugse Vechter, the oldest fighting-cock breed in Belgium. The Brugse Vechter was once widespread throughout the country, but by the late 19th century, it was most prevalent in western Flanders. In the Liège area of Wallonia, efforts were made to enhance the Brugse Vechter’s…

Lohmann Brown

Lohmann Brown

The Lohmann Brown chicken results from selective breeding carried out by a German company named Lohmann Tierzucht, which was established in 1932. The company’s main goal was to create a hybrid chicken that could lay more eggs than traditional breeds and adapt to different production systems and market demands. To achieve this, the company used…

Leghorn chicken

Leghorn chicken

The Leghorn chicken is a light chicken breed that originated in the rural parts of Tuscany. “Leghorn” comes from “Livorno,” the port city where the first birds were exported to North America in 1828. They were initially called “Italians,” but their name changed to “Leghorns” in 1865. The Leghorn chicken was brought to Britain from…



The Legbar chicken is an uncommon British breed developed in the early 1900s by Reginald Crundall Punnett and Michael Pease at the Genetical Institute of Cambridge University. They produced this breed by cross-breeding American Barred Plymouth Rock chickens with brown Leghorns, resulting in variations in gold and silver. Pease then bred these with white Leghorns…

Lamona chicken

Lamona chicken

Harry M. Lamon created Lamona chicken at the USDA experimental station in Beltsville, Maryland. Lamon combined three breeds – Silver-Gray Dorkings, White Leghorns, and White Plymouth Rocks – to create the Lamona chicken. He selected Dorkings for their meat quality and white skin, Leghorns for their egg-laying ability and red earlobes, and Plymouth Rocks for…



The origin of the Lakenvelder chicken breed is partially clear, but it is believed to date back to 2000 BCE. Some sources suggest that the breed was developed in southern Holland and just over the border in Germany. The name Lakenvelder comes from Dutch and means “a shadow on a sheet,” which describes the black-and-white…



The Kuroiler is a chicken breed created by crossbreeding colored broiler males with Rhode Island Red females or White Leghorn males with Rhode Island Red females. Instead of being raised in a central hatchery, the eggs of Kuroiler chicken are hatched in over a thousand ‘mother units’ across India. This way, the chicks are distributed…

Krüper chicken

Krüper chicken

Krüper chickens are a breed from the Bergisches Land in western Germany. They are one of three breeds from that area, the others being the Bergische Kräher and the Bergische Schlotterkamm. Creeper chickens have been known since the Renaissance and were depicted in the works of naturalists such as Conrad Gessner and Ulisse Aldrovandi. Charles…



The Kraienkopp is a chicken breed that was developed in the late 19th century by crossing local farmyard fowl with Malays and silver duckwing Leghorns. It was first showcased in the Netherlands in 1920 and Germany in 1925. The name Kraienkopp, which means “crow head” in German, comes from the loud crowing of the male…

Kosovo Longcrower

Kosovo Longcrower

The Kosovo Longcrower chicken is a landrace breed that originated in the Drenica region of Kosovo. It is commonly called the Rooster of Drenica in Albanian due to its development in this area. This breed is believed to have descended from ancient long-crowing chicken breeds brought to the Balkans by the Ottoman Turks. During the…

Ko Shamo

Ko Shamo

The Ko Shamo chicken breed has its roots in Thailand, where Malay, Asil, and Aseel-type chickens were sent to Japan in the early 17th century for breeding purposes. The name “shamo” derives from “Siam,” the former name of Thailand. In Japan, Ko Shamo is one of the seven breeds of shamo chickens that are all…



The Kadaknath chicken breed can be traced back to the Dhar and Jhabua districts of Madhya Pradesh. It is believed to have been domesticated by the Bhil and Gond tribes of Central India, who initially reared them for their meat and eggs and used them for rituals and occasions. Kadaknath chicken has a long history…

Jersey Giant

Jersey Giant

The Jersey Giant chicken was created in the late 19th century by brothers John and Thomas Black from Burlington County, New Jersey. They aimed to develop a large and heavy roasting bird that could surpass the turkey, which was then the leading poultry used for meat. They achieved this by crossing black Javas, black Langshans,…

Java chicken

Java chicken

The origin of the Java chicken is partially transparent. Still, it is believed to have originated from the selective breeding of chickens brought from Asia to America, potentially from the island of Java. Following the Dominique, it is one of the earliest American chicken breeds ever created. The Java breed was first mentioned in print…

Japanese Bantam

Japanese Bantam

The origin of the Japanese Bantam is not entirely known, but it is believed to have come from the selective breeding of fighting chickens, the ancestors of modern Shamo breeds. The earliest recognizable depiction of a Japanese Bantam in Japanese art dates back to the early 17th century. After Japan opened its borders to foreign…



The Jangmigye chicken breed has a fascinating history that dates back to ancient times. It is believed that this breed originated in Korea during the third century and was developed through selective breeding by farmers. The aim was to create a chicken breed that could adapt to the diverse climate and terrain of the country….

Iowa Blue

Iowa Blue

The Iowa Blue chicken breed originated in the United States in the early 20th century. Breeders developed it in Iowa, a region known for its fertile farmlands and diverse climate. The breeders were passionate about creating a robust and resilient bird. The Iowa Blue chicken breed is commonly known as the Iowa Blue. However, it…

Isa Brown

Isa Brown

The Isa Brown chicken was developed in the 1970s by a French company, Institut de Sélection Animale (ISA). The breeders aimed to create a hybrid layer that could meet commercial egg production standards. The exact genetic makeup of the Isa Brown chicken is a closely guarded trade secret, but it is believed to be a…

Índio Gigante

Índio Gigante

The Índio Gigante breed of chicken was created in Brazil in the late 1980s or early 1990s by crossbreeding large gamecocks with caipira chickens and “Malayoid” breeds such as the Shamo and Malay. This was done to create a larger, sturdier breed of chicken. The breed has been refined over time, with the largest specimens…

Indian Game chicken

Indian Game chicken

The Indian Game chicken breed originated in Cornwall, England, in the early 19th century. Sir Walter Gilbert developed the breed by crossing various breeds of Asiatic fighting cocks, resulting in a gamecock with a muscular body and broad chest that was not suitable for cockfighting. In the United States, this breed is also known as…

Ixworth chicken

Ixworth chicken

Reginald Appleyard, a renowned poultry breeder and author, created the Ixworth chicken in the 1930s. He named the breed after the village of Ixworth, Suffolk, where he lived and worked. The aim was to breed a fast-growing, high-quality meat chicken that would lay a reasonable number of eggs. Appleyard used various breeds, including White Indian…

Icelandic chicken

Icelandic chicken

Icelandic chickens have a long and fascinating history from the 9th century AD. The Norse Vikings, who settled on the island, introduced them to Iceland. For many centuries, they were the only chickens in Iceland and were able to survive the harsh climate and isolation. The settlers highly valued these birds as they provided eggs,…



The Jærhøns chicken derives its name from the traditional district of Jæren in Rogaland, Norway. This region is popular for its flat and fertile land, which makes it an ideal place for agriculture and livestock farming. The Jærhøns chicken was the main chicken breed in Norway until the 19th century when imports of foreign breeds…

Hyline chicken

Hyline chicken

Henry A. Wallace selectively bred hyaline chickens in the 1920s to produce hybrid chickens with desirable egg production traits. He continued developing his egg-laying hybrids through intensive genetic selection programs and founded Hyline Poultry Farms in 1936. Over several decades, the Hyline breeding program yielded highly specialized laying hens that became the predominant commercial egg…

Hrvatica chicken

Hrvatica chicken

Hrvatica chickens were created in 1917 by Ivan Lakus, a farmer from the village of Torcec in the Podravina Province. He crossbred local hens with Leghorn roosters and then handpicked the individuals with white feathers and pea combs. He named the breed Hrvatica, meaning “Croatian” in Croatian. The breed was officially recognized in 1937 when…

Houdan chicken

Houdan chicken

The Houdan chicken breed originated in Houdan, a small village near Paris, France. During the 1700s, the breed was developed by crossing native French breeds with European breeds such as the Polish, Crevecœur, and La Fleche. The goal was to create a dual-purpose fowl to produce large white eggs and good-quality meat. After several generations…

Holland chicken

Holland chicken

The Holland chicken breed was developed at the Rutgers Breeding Farms in New Jersey during the 1930s. The goal was to create a dual-purpose chicken that could lay white eggs, which were more popular and profitable then. Breeders crossed birds imported from Holland with other breeds such as White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire,…

Hamburg chicken

Hamburg chicken

Hamburg chickens are a poultry breed developed in Holland from various breeds of pheasants and turkeys. Their exact origin is uncertain, but they were first mentioned in literature in the 16th century. In the 18th century, they were exported to England and became popular there. They were also highly regarded in Germany, known as Hamburgers….

Green-legged Partridge

Green-legged Partridge

The Green-legged Partridge chicken breed originated from rural landscapes of Poland. They were bred to be versatile and resilient, suitable for various agricultural purposes. They have different names in different regions, such as “Zielononóżki” or “Kura Zielononóżki” in Poland, emphasizing their greenish legs. They are also recognized internationally as the Green-legged Partridge or Green-legged chicken….



The Gramapriya chicken breed originated in India and was developed by the Project Directorate on Poultry in Hyderabad. The objective was to breed a dual-purpose backyard chicken suitable for small-scale subsistence farms in rural India. After over 15 years of selective breeding, the Gramapriya was officially recognized as a new breed in 1994. “Gramapriya” means…



Giriraja chickens are a breed of chicken developed by the Karnataka Veterinary, Animal, and Fishery Sciences University in Bengaluru, India. This breed was created by crossing local breeds with exotic breeds such as Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, and Australorp. Giriraja means “king of the mountain” in Sanskrit and reflects the breed’s hardiness and adaptability…

German Langshan

German Langshan

The German Langshan chickens are a breed of chicken originating in the Langshan Mountains of China, derived from the Croad Langshan chickens. Major Croad imported the Croad Langshan chickens to the United Kingdom in 1869, and then they were brought to Germany in the late 19th century. The German Langshan chickens were created by crossing…

Ga Noi

Ga Noi

Ga Noi chickens have a long history in Vietnam, where they were bred for traditional cockfighting. They are known for being strong, resilient, and having unique physical traits. Ga Noi chickens go by various names, including “Game Fowl,” “Dong Tao,” and “Dai Chickens,” depending on the region. There are different Ga Noi chickens, each with…

Frizzle chicken

Frizzle chicken

The Frizzle chicken’s origin is uncertain, but it is thought that the frizzle gene, which causes the feathers to curl, originated in Asia, perhaps China. Frizzled chickens have been reported in the Far East since the 18th century and were brought to Western countries as curiosities and breeding stock. Charles Darwin also mentioned them in…

Friesian chicken

Friesian chicken

Friesian chickens have existed for over 1000 years and have remained untouched. They come from the Friesian Islands, a small, isolated northern coastal region of the Netherlands. Archaeological excavations on the islands have discovered chicken bones dating back to the 10th century.The Friesian Islands have been exposed to harsh weather conditions such as strong winds,…

Fayoumi chicken

Fayoumi chicken

Fayoumi chickens are an ancient breed believed to have originated from ancient jungle fowl. They have been around since the Egyptian Pharaohs and have a long history of adapting and surviving in harsh environments. They are named after the governorate of Fayoum, which lies southwest of Cairo and west of the Nile. In the 1940s,…

Faverolles chicken

Faverolles chicken

Faverolles chickens were first bred in the 1860s in north-central France, near Houdan and Faverolles villages. They were developed for their utility value as they were used for meat and egg production and were specially adapted to lay throughout the colder winter months. They were named after the village of Faverolles, and it is important…

Estaires chicken

Estaires chicken

The Estaires chicken is a chicken breed developed in the town of Estaires, located in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France. This breed was created by cross-breeding Langshan chickens, imported to England from China in 1872 by Major F.T. Croad, with local chickens in France. The Estaires chicken was one of the results of this cross-breeding…

Ermellinata di Rovigo

Ermellinata di Rovigo

The Ermellinata di Rovigo is a chicken breed developed between 1959 and 1965 at the Poultry Experiment Station in Rovigo, Veneto. The breed was created to compete with popular breeds, such as Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire, and Orpington. The Sussex and Rhode Island Red breeds were used to develop the Ermellinata di Rovigo, with the…

Easter egger

Easter egger

Easter egger result from breeding chicken breeds that carry the blue egg gene, such as Ameraucana, Araucana, or Cream Legbar. The blue egg gene, known as cyan, is a dominant gene that can result in eggs in shades of blue, green, olive, or cream. This gene originated in South America, where the Araucana breed was…

Dutch Bantam

Dutch Bantam

The Dutch Bantam is a small chicken breed that originated in the Netherlands in the 17th century. Different names in various countries, such as Hollandse Kriel, Holländische Zwerghühner, and Naine Hollandaise, also know it. Some believe that the breed may have originated from the Indonesian island of Bantam, where Dutch sailors obtained them for their…

Dorking chicken

Dorking chicken

The history of Dorking chickens is surrounded by mystery and legend. Some sources suggest that they were brought to Britain by the Romans in the first century AD, while others claim that they are native to the British Isles and have been bred there for centuries. The Roman writer Columella, who lived then, mentioned five-toed…

Dong Tao Chicken

Dong Tao Chicken

Dong Tao chicken is a native chicken breed of Vietnam, specifically from the village of Dong Tao in the Khoai Chau district near Hanoi. The breed was developed by local farmers who selected chickens with the largest and thickest legs for breeding. Dong Tao chicken was once exclusively bred for the royal family and the…

Dominique chicken

Dominique chicken

Dominique chickens are believed to be the oldest American chicken breed, but their exact origin is unknown. They are thought to have come to America with colonists from southern England, likely similar to modern Dorking or Sussex breeds. Dominique chickens were well known by about 1750, and by the mid-1800s, they were widely distributed in…

Derbyshire Redcap

Derbyshire Redcap

The Derbyshire Redcap is a breed of chicken created using various unknown breeds. However, some possible ancestors include Golden Spangled Hamburgs, Dorkings, Old English Pheasant Fowl, and Black-Breasted Red Games. The breed is similar in appearance to other now-extinct chickens like the Yorkshire Pheasant and the Lancashire Moonie. They were commonly found on British farms…

Denizli chicken

Denizli chicken

Denizli chickens are a breed named after the city of Denizli in southwestern Turkey, where they have been bred for centuries. Their origin is quite interesting, as some sources suggest that they date back to the 11th century when the Seljuk Turks brought them from Central Asia to Anatolia. Other sources suggest that Denizli chickens…

Delaware chicken

Delaware chicken

Delaware chickens are a rare and beautiful breed of poultry that originated in the United States in the 1940s. They were created by George Ellis, a farmer from Delaware, who crossed Barred Plymouth Rock roosters with New Hampshire hens. The aim was to develop a breed that would produce good meat and eggs and have…

Delaware Blue Hen

Delaware Blue Hen

The Delaware Blue Hen chickens originated from a strain of gamecocks Capt. owned. John Caldwell during the American Revolutionary War. Caldwell was from Kent County, Delaware, and the birds were recognizable by their blue plumage. They were renowned for their fighting ability, to the extent that Colonel John Haslet’s 1st Delaware Regiment was nicknamed “the…



Cubalaya chickens have a fascinating history in the Philippines. In the mid-19th century, the Spaniards brought several varieties of Asiatic game fowls from the Philippine Islands to Havana, Cuba. These game fowls were derived from Sumatra and Malay breeds and had long, flowing tails, curved beaks, and fierce expressions. The Cubans crossed these Asiatic chicken…

Croad Langshan

Croad Langshan

The Croad Langshan chickens are believed to have originated from the Langshan area in Northern China, near the Yangtze River. In 1872, Major F.T. Croad imported the first known chickens of the breed to Britain from a Chinese merchant who claimed they were from the “Wolf Mountain” region. Miss A.C. Croad, Major Croad’s niece, established…

Crèvecœur chicken

Crèvecœur chicken

The Crèvecœur chicken is a breed of chicken that originated in Normandy, north-western France, in the 18th century. The breed was named after the town of Crèvecœur-en-Auge, where it was first developed. Initially used for fighting, the Crèvecœur chicken became known for its ability to lay eggs and provide meat. It became a favorite among…

Coucou des Flandres

Coucou des Flandres

The origins of Coucou des Flandres chickens still need to be discovered. However, it is believed that they have existed for many years in the Flanders region, where farmers and peasants kept them for their meat and eggs. The breed is related to the Malines chickens from the Mechelen area in the province of Antwerp…

Coucou de Rennes

Coucou de Rennes

The Coucou de Rennes are a local chicken breed that dates back to the 19th century and was created by crossing several French breeds, such as the Crevecoeur, Houdan, and Dorking. These chickens were known for their meat and eggs and were highly valued in the Rennes markets. The breed declined after the Second World…

Cochin chicken

Cochin chicken

Cochin chickens originated in China, bred for their meat and eggs. In the 1840s and 1850s, they were introduced to Europe and North America under “Cochin-China” or “Shanghai” birds. They became popular among poultry enthusiasts, including Queen Victoria, who kept them as pets and gave them royal patronage. This led to a craze for exotic…

Chantecler chicken

Chantecler chicken

Brother Wilfrid Châtelain created the Chantecler chicken breed to meet Canada’s climate and production needs. The breeding process involved crossing breeds like Dark Cornishes, White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, White Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandottes, Partridge Wyandottes, Partridge Cochins, and Brown Leghorns. The White and Partridge variants of the Chantecler were admitted to the American Poultry…

Catalana chicken

Catalana chicken

The Catalana chicken breed was developed extensively using Castillian chickens and Asian stock during the latter half of the 19th century. However, it’s still unclear whether the Asian stock used was Cochin China chickens or Cochin chickens. Catalana chickens became very popular in Argentina and some other Latin American countries. 1902, they gained international attention…

Carlisle Old English Game

Carlisle Old English Game

The Carlisle Old English Game, the chicken breed, originated in northwest England, specifically in Cumberland and the border city of Carlisle. These resilient birds are descendants of fighting cocks that were brought to Britain by the Romans. Over time, cockfighting enthusiasts selectively bred them for gameness, strength, and agility. Their bravery and vitality enabled them…

Campine chicken

Campine chicken

Campine chickens are a breed of egg-laying chickens originating in Europe during Roman times. They were initially a smaller version of the Braekel, another Belgian breed, but were separated in 1884 to become their breed. The Campine chicken breed was distributed throughout Antwerp and northern and central Limburg. However, after years of controversy, the two…

California Gray

California Gray

The California Gray chicken was created in the 1930s by Professor James Dryden, a poultry expert from the University of California. His goal was to produce a breed of chicken that could meet the increasing demand for white eggs, which consumers preferred at the time. He also wanted a breed that could produce more eggs…

Burmese chicken

Burmese chicken

Burmese chickens have a fascinating history. Charles Darwin originally mentioned them in his book The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication 1868. According to Darwin, a British Army officer brought them to the UK from Burma in the 1880s. William Flamank Entwisle, a poultry breeder, received one of these birds with a genetic mutation…

Buckeye chicken

Buckeye chicken

Buckeye chickens were bred by Nettie Metcalf, a woman from Warren, Ohio, in the late 19th century. The goal was to create a robust chicken breed that could survive the harsh winters in the Midwest. She crossed the Barred Plymouth Rocks, Buff Cochins, and Black Breasted Red game birds to produce the Buckeye. Some of…

Brugse Vechter

Brugse Vechter

The Brugse Vechter is a breed of chicken that originated in the Belgian city of Bruges. These chickens were specifically bred for cockfighting and have a long history dating back to the 15th century. “Vechter” means “fighter” in Dutch, reflecting their aggressive breeding purpose. However, as cockfighting was banned in many places, the popularity of…

Bresse Gauloise

Bresse Gauloise

The Bresse Gauloise chicken’s history dates back to the 16th century in eastern France’s Bresse region. It was created by crossbreeding local French chickens with Asiatic breeds brought to Europe by explorers and traders. Over time, the Bresse Gauloise chicken has become highly regarded for its exceptional meat quality, earning it “the queen of chickens…

Brahma chicken

Brahma chicken

Brahma chickens have a disputed origin, with some historians claiming they came from India near the Brahmaputra River and others believing they were developed in the US from Chinese birds imported from Shanghai. Nonetheless, they were introduced to the public in the 1850s and quickly became popular as a meat breed. Brahma chickens are categorized…



The Braekel chicken breed is believed to have originated from Brakel, a town in the Flemish province of East Flanders. They are named after this town and are derived from the same gold and silver chicken population that gave rise to similar breeds such as the Ostfriesische Möwe and the Westfälischer Totleger. For many years,…



The Brabanter chicken is a heritage breed from the Brabant region of Belgium and the Netherlands. This breed is one of the oldest European chicken breeds, dating back to the 17th century. The Dutch artist Melchior d’Hondecoeter was the first to depict them in his paintings, known for their realistic bird portrayals. They were popular…



The Bourbonnaise is a chicken breed originating from the Bourbonnais province in France. They are a cross between the white Gâtinaise breed and Brahmas, with Sussex bloodlines added later. The breed is classified as a continental breed by the American Poultry Association and a clean-legged breed by the American Bantam Association. They are also considered…

Booted Bantam

Booted Bantam

The Booted Bantam chicken breed is believed to have originated in the Netherlands. It was developed by crossing the Bearded d’Anvers with other feather-footed bantam breeds. However, some sources suggest that the breed may have Asian roots, as feather-footed bantams were imported from China and India to Europe in the 17th century. The Belgian Bearded…

Blue Andalusian

Blue Andalusian

Blue Andalusian chickens are a breed of chicken with slate-blue feathers. The breed’s origins are unknown, but it is believed to have been created by crossing a black fowl with a white sport, resulting in a blend of the parents’ traits, a genetic phenomenon called incomplete dominance. The breed was first mentioned in the work…

Black Shumen

Black Shumen

The Black Shumen chicken is an old breed that originated in the Shumen region of Bulgaria. They were created by crossbreeding local black hens with black Minorca roosters to improve their egg-laying capabilities and size. While they were briefly crossbred with Rhode Island Red birds, this did not significantly affect their characteristics. The Black Shumen…

Bionda Piemontese

Bionda Piemontese

The Bionda Piemontese is a chicken breed that originated from the ancient Roman chicken brought to the Piedmont region during the Roman conquests. Local farmers then selected the best specimens from the breed and improved them for their meat and egg qualities. The breed has been influenced by other breeds, such as the Padovana, Livorno,…

Bielefelder Kennhuhn

Bielefelder Kennhuhn

Bielefelder Kennhuhn is a type of chicken developed in the 1970s in the region of Bielefeld, located in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. A poultry breeder named Gerd Roth created them to produce a chicken breed that was excellent in both meat and egg production, had a unique and attractive appearance, and was docile in personality. Roth used…

Bianca di Saluzzo

Bianca di Saluzzo

The Bianca di Saluzzo chickens are named after the town of Saluzzo or the former Marquisate of Saluzzo, roughly the same as their distribution area. They may also be referred to as the Bianca di Cavour, after the nearby town of Cavour in the province of Turin. This town used to have a significant poultry…

Bergische Schlotterkamm

Bergische Schlotterkamm

The Bergische Schlotterkamm is a chicken breed that has been known since the 18th century. They are believed to have come from crossing imported Spanish birds with local Bergische Kräher stock. In the early 19th century, the breed faced competition from multi-purpose breeds such as the Minorca, which almost led to their extinction. However, a…

Bergische Kräher

Bergische Kräher

The origin of Bergische Kräher chickens is surrounded by mystery and legend. Some believe they were brought to Europe during the Crusades and were highly valued by local farmers for their hardiness and resilience. Others claim that Cistercian monks spread them throughout the area, as they appreciated their long crowing as a sign of devotion…



The Bekisar chicken is a hybrid chicken breed from the green junglefowl (Gallus varius) and the domesticated red junglefowl from Java (Gallus gallus bankiva). The green junglefowl is known for adapting to the mangrove forest and its ability to survive on salt water, fruits, insects, and aquatic animals. On the other hand, the red junglefowl…



The Barnevelder chicken breed originated in the Dutch town of Barneveld, a significant center for the poultry industry in the early 20th century. During that period, the town was a primary supplier of eggs to Europe, especially England, where there was a high demand for brown-shelled eggs. Local farmers started cross-breeding their landrace birds with…

Barbu d’Everberg

Barbu d’Everberg

Barbu d’Everberg is a rare and unique breed of bantam chickens originating in Belgium. These chickens are a tailless variant of the Barbu d’Uccle and were first bred in 1906 at the Château d’Everberg in the municipality of Kortenberg. They are among the most endangered chicken breeds in Belgium, and their conservation status was classified…

Barbu de Watermael

Barbu de Watermael

The Barbu de Watermael is a chicken breed created by Antoine Dresse at the estate of La Fougères in Watermael-Boitsfort in Belgium during the early 20th century. Although first exhibited in 1922, it did not gain much popularity until after the Second World War. In France, a breeders’ club was established, and in 1971, the…

Barbu de Grubbe

Barbu de Grubbe

The Barbu de Grubbe is a small bantam chicken breed that originated in Belgium. Robert Pauwels developed it in the early 20th century as a tail-less variant of the Barbu d’Anvers, one of the oldest bantam breeds. The Barbu de Grubbe made its way to the UK in 1911 and later became recognized in the…

Barbu de Boitsfort

Barbu de Boitsfort

The Barbu de Boitsfort is the most recent of the Belgian true bantam breeds. It was created by cross-breeding the Barbu de Watermael with the tail-less Barbu de Grubbe and was first shown at Bruges in 1997. It received full recognition in Belgium in 2001. It is recognized by the Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de…

Barbu d’Anvers

Barbu d’Anvers

The Barbu d’Anvers, which means “bearded of Antwerp” in French, is a breed of bantam chicken from Belgium. It has been kept as a pet and show bird in the province of Antwerp in northern Flanders for centuries. The breed’s exact origin is unknown, but it is believed to have come from small bearded chickens…

Barbu d’Uccle

Barbu d’Uccle

The Barbu d’Uccle is a small breed of chicken with feathered legs, a beard, and muffs. It was created by Michael Van Gelder in Uccle, a town near Brussels, by crossing various bantam breeds such as Antwerp Belgian, Dutch Booted, and Sabelpoot. The breed was first exhibited in 1894 and soon became popular in Europe…



The Araucana chicken is a chicken breed that originated in Chile, where the indigenous people of the Araucanía region bred it. The breed results from a cross between two local varieties: the Collonca and the Quatro. The Colonia is a rumpless chicken that lays blue eggs, whereas the Quatro is a tailed chicken with ear…



The Asil chicken, also spelled Aseel or Asli, originated in India and is considered one of the oldest chicken breeds in the world. It has a long history that dates back several thousand years. This breed was primarily developed for its fighting ability and was highly valued by the Indian nobility, who often used it…



The Ardennaise chicken is a traditional chicken breed from the Ardennes region, which includes parts of Belgium, France, Luxembourg, and Germany. It is closely related to another French breed of chicken called Bresse Gauloise. The Ardennaise chicken was first described by Victor La Perre de Roo in 1882 when the breed was already becoming rare….



Julius Meyer, a poultry breeder from Haunstetten, developed the Augsburger chicken. This small town is now part of the city of Augsburger, in the Swabian region of Bavaria. Meyer began his breeding project in 1870 or 1880 to create a dual-purpose chicken breed that would combine the meat quality of the French La Flèche breed…



The Australorp chicken is a chicken breed that originated from the Orpington chicken, which was developed in England by William Cook in the late 1800s. Cook aimed to create a large, fluffy, and docile bird that could provide both eggs and meat for the market. In the early 1900s, some of Cook’s Orpingtons were brought…

Ayam Cemani

Ayam Cemani

The Ayam Cemani is a rare chicken breed that originates from Indonesia. Ayam means “chicken” in Indonesian, while Cemani may refer to “the village of Cemani” in the local dialect. This breed is believed to have been used for religious and mystical purposes since the 12th century, and it originated from the island of Java,…

Ayam Kampong

Ayam Kampong

The Ayam Kampong chicken, a term that means “village chicken” in Malay and Indonesian languages, is a native breed that originated from cross-breeding between red jungle fowl, indigenous Southeast Asian chickens, and exotic chickens imported by European settlers. The Ayam Kampong chicken is primarily raised in rural areas of Indonesia and Malaysia, where it is…

Ayam Kedu

Ayam Kedu

The Ayam Kedu chicken is a traditional chicken breed from the Kedu plains in central Java, Indonesia. The name “Ayam” means chicken in Indonesian, and “Kedu” refers to a village in the region where the breed originates. The Ayam Kedu is a result of crossbreeding between the Java race and the Ayam Bekisar, which is…

Ayam Ketawa

Ayam Ketawa

The Ayam Ketawa chicken breed originated in Sidenreng Rappang, located in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. These chickens were first discovered in the Sidenreng Rappang Regency and were affectionately named “Ayam Ketawa,” which means “laughing chicken.” The name is very fitting because of their unique crow, which sounds like human laughter. The breed is also known as…

Ayam Pelung

Ayam Pelung

The Ayam Pelung, also known as the “Pelung Long Crower,” has a rich history steeped in local lore. According to legends, a farmer named H. Djarkasih discovered a peculiar chick in his backyard in 1850. This chick was named Pelung and grew up to be a rooster whose crow had an unparalleled depth and duration,…

Appenzeller Barthuhn

Appenzeller Barthuhn

The Appenzeller Barthuhn is a chicken breed that originated in the historical Appenzell region of Switzerland. Barthuhn means “bearded chicken” in Alemannic German, the dialect spoken in that area. Local chickens were crossbred with exotic chicken breeds such as Italiener, Polverara, and Russian Bearded to create the breed. The breeders aimed to create a chicken…

Ancona Chicken: A Comprehensive Guide to Raising and Caring for this Fascinating Breed

Ancona Chicken: A Comprehensive Guide to Raising and Caring for this Fascinating Breed

Are you considering adding Ancona chickens to your flock? Or perhaps you’re intrigued by these charming birds and want to learn more? Look no further! In this definitive guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about these chickens, from their rich history to their unique characteristics and how to care for them. Anconas…



The Amrock chicken, also known as Plymouth Rock in America, originated in the United States, specifically from Plymouth. It is a crossbreed of Cochin, Dominique, Brahma, and Black Java chickens. This chicken breed was recognized in 1874 and is known for its superior productive abilities, making it more suitable for utility. It should be noted…

American Long Crower

American Long Crower

The American Long Crower chicken is a chicken breed that poultry enthusiasts developed in the early 2000s. They aimed to create a unique bird with a long and distinctive crow. To achieve this, they crossed various breeds of long-crowing chickens worldwide, including the Turkish Denizli, the Japanese Tomaru, the Malaysian Serama, and the Indonesian Bekisar….

American Game Chicken

American Game Chicken

The American Game Chicken is a breed of game fowl that originates in the United States. It was developed from various European and Oriental game chickens brought to America by early settlers. Some of the chicken breeds that contributed to the creation of the American Game include Asil, Sumatra, Malay, Old English Game, and Shamo….



The Ameraucana chicken is a chicken breed that was developed by crossbreeding the Araucana chicken with other breeds. The Araucana is originally from South America. Ameraucana chicken, on the other hand, was created in the United States during the 1970s. It has become increasingly popular among poultry enthusiasts worldwide due to its unique blue eggs….



The Amarela chicken originates in the northern regions of Portugal, where it has been an essential part of the local farming landscape for a long time. Its name, “Amarela,” means “yellow” in Portuguese, which refers to the breed’s distinctive plumage. Amarela chickens were widely distributed in Portugal until the 20th century when they faced competition…



The Altsteirer chicken, boasting the aliases “Styrian Hen” and “Steirer Huhn,” is an ancient chicken breed originating in Austria’s Styria region. In the 1860s, breeders in the mountainous region of Styria, Austria, bred the Altsteirer chicken. They developed it to provide a reliable source of meat and eggs for the locals, adapting it to the…